White Papers

A Case for Connectivity, Simplicity, and Optimization

Creating Connectivity with One Connected Space Management Solution

As companies seek to bring stability to their businesses and workplaces, there are a myriad of new tools and technologies promising to enable the future of work. Many organizations continue to implement multiple solutions, some of which have overlapping features, mismatched data, and an assortment of conflicting best practices. Ensuring these tools are working together can enhance the employee experience by creating workplace connectivity for all.

While continuing to understand space needs, capacity management, and overall utilization; companies are typically trying to solve for their occupancy and space management needs. However, another need should be considered: creating connectivity across the organization. A connected workplace integrates various technology tools and includes a variety of workers enabling everyone to communicate and collaborate effectively. Creating connectivity can be accomplished by not only managing organizational space or reserving personal space, but by introducing one connected solution tool.